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于 10-5-16 通过 玩聚SR|最新 作者:Ethermetic

前14个字母的图都让我觉得很烂俗……但是接下来的枕叶,Lisp,Portal, D20, PARC和魔域让我看清了作者那颗赤诚的宅心!
Ethermetic发表于2010-05-17 12:18:00

识字自然是铁打不动。但身为GEEK的你们怎么能容忍用那些低能玩具跟劣质图书继续荼毒自己的亲生骨头呢!geeks are sexy网站的大大们兴许也是考虑到了如今这些GEEK型爸辣妈的苦恼,或许也是需求吧,很用心的从FLICKR上挑选了一些图片辅以剪短说明,每张一个情景抑或是物品来帮宝宝们认识英文字母,A-Z基本上涵盖了GEEK领域里的基本典故跟文化现象以及部分类型知识,真正做到了让父母放心令宝宝受益的程度,虽说这个GEEK字母图之前也有很多很多,但此款我敢以喝三鹿奶粉的决心打包票,这是最适合宝宝幼儿教育的一套了,正在看本文的GEEK爹地妈咪们,赶紧打印出来给宝宝们,事不宜迟,想让你家的下一代跟你同声同气,现在就得行动了!

A is for Away Team, where you should never wear red
B is for Binary, 1s and 0s in your head
C is for Cosplay, making cons an awesome place
D is for Doctor, who keeps changing face
E is for Emoticons, that tell you what we're feeling
F is for Flickr, whose photos we are "stealing"
G is for Gadgets, the way to our heart
H is for Hardware, I took it apart!
I is for iEverything, love it or hate it
J is for Japan, we're glad Nintendo invaded
K is for Keyboard, we love every letter
L is for Leias, the more the better!
M is for MMORPGs, it's a magical place
N is for NASA, and the beauty of space
O is for Occipital Lobe, we love using our brains
P is for Programming, ((though lisp is a pain))
Q is for Quilting, and other geeky crafts
R is for Reading, no matter what the path
S is for Science, though the cake is a lie
T is for Tabletop, and a 20-sided die
U is for Uncertainty, you just never know
V is for Voltage, oh the places we'll go!
W is for the World Wide Web, it's more than just porn
X is for Xerox, where so much geekiness was born
Y is for Youth, since kids are geeks too
Z is for Zork, watch out for the grue!

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